
Jane Aster Roe is an award winning multimedia writer, producer, director, and storyteller based in Toronto, Canada. She is passionate about storytelling as a form of radical empathy and strongly believes in the power of art and media as a vehicle for societal change. Jane’s colorful brain is made up of autism, anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD; and she embraces the motto of "seeking kinship in madness and meaning making." With her company Aster Roe Productions, she has written and produced multiple audio, film and theatre productions. In the film and TV industry, she has experience as a production manager, producer and assistant director. She is also a professional dancer and performer, and enjoys performing, teaching and choreographing in Toronto. Jane has studied writing at the school of the New York Times Sundance Collab, and Stage 32 and is driven by her own experiences and an innate curiosity about life and human nature. Through her work, Jane strives to tell untold stories and examine familiar stories through new lenses.